LDES Competitive Factor Matrix

LDES Competitive Factor Matrix

Functional Performance
Competitive Factor Definition
Energy Rating (MWh) Rated energy capacity
Power Rating (MW) Rated charge/discharge power capacity of the system. Specify if charge & discharge ratings differ. 
Minimum feasible energy rating (MWh) Smallest feasible energy rating based on current technology
Minimum feasible power rating (MW) Smallest feasible power rating based on current technology
Maximum feasible energy rating (MWh) Largest feasible energy rating based on current technology
Minimum feasible power rating (MW) Smallest feasible power rating based on current technology
Nominal discharge duration  (h) Time for the system to discharge at the designed power rating (Energy capacity/power rating).
Round trip efficiency Ratio of energy discharged from the system from a starting state of charge to the energy received to bring the system to the same starting charge.
Includes all losses within the system boundary (Use-Case Dependent)
Operational Life (Yrs) Maximum designed years of operation prior to removal from service
Degradation Rate (% Energy Capacity Change/Cycle) Rate at which the energy capacity of the ESS degrades.
Rate is dependent on Ambient Conditions, Depth of Discharge, Charge Rate, Discharge Rate.
Ramp rate (%rated power/hr) The speed at which storage can increase or decrease input/output
Response time from off state (h) Response time from off state (h)
Response time from active state (h) Time required for a system to output (or input) energy at full rated power from idle condition (state value of assumed idle, e.g., 10% of rated power)
Power Capacity De-Rating Factor (%) A de-rate factor applied to either the charge/discharge power of a system based on charge status, weather, etc. Example: the de-rating of a systems peak charging power based on a 80% charge status
Expected Downtime (frequency & hr) Disruption to service for maintenance or for other events; frequency and duration of expected downtime
Operating temperature range (C) Temperatures that the system can operate at stated efficiencies without requiring auxiliary support
Operating Voltage range (V) Voltages that the system can operate at stated efficiencies without requiring auxiliary support
Operating Current range(I) Current that the system can operate at stated efficiencies without requiring auxiliary support
Operating Power Quality Requirement Power quality that the system can operate at stated efficiencies without requiring auxiliary support
Auxiliary Energy Consumption (kWh/yr) Annual consumption of electricity for lighting, controls, etc. systems beyond energy use reflected in RTE calculation
Intended Use Case(s) Use cases of the system intended by the manufacturer. (Grid and non-grid applications) E.g ability to charge/discharge simultaneously, support ancillary services, and contribute to black start, droop, frequency, reactive power, energy arbitrage, delivery heat to industrial processes etc.
Footprint (m2/MWh) Amount of land required to deploy 1 unit energy capacity of the ESS
Environment and Safety
Lower Flammability Limit (g/m3) Minimum concentration at which substance is flammable at a given temperature and pressure
Toxicity (mg/kWh) Toxicity of active (or most active) material in the energy storage system
Radioactivity (Curie) The frequency of radioactive decay produced by a given amount of material
Population Proximity Restrictions (e.g. meters from structure) Restriction(s) on the locations/proximity to populations the ESS system can be located at (e.g. system cannot be located within 0.5 miles of population center)
Environmental Impact Will the system be negatively intrusive in the natural environment in which it is situated (water consumption, soil erosion, form-factor, etc.)
Catastrophic Event Safety Considerations  Safety, cleanup, and total (community, environmental) impact mitigation considerations in a catastrophic event  
System Security (Highly vulnerable - Nearly Invulnerable) The vulnerabilities of a system to damage by human or natural causes, particularly as it may result in a loss of function or pose a safety risk. Examples are damage from extreme weather events, arson, or damage from theft of valuable components. Considerations include equipment, housing materials, and workforce to protect the system from damage
Lifecycle GHG Emissions (CO2_eq/kWh over lifetime) CO2 equivalent emissions per energy capacity of storage technology over lifecycle: Material sourcing, processing and manufacturing, distribution, usage, end of life
Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Supply Chain Security (Highly vulnerable - Nearly Invulnerable) The vulnerabilities of a system supply chain, including storage and power components, to disruption via material shortage, pandemic, natural disaster, global catastrophe, war, etc.
Ease of Use/Complexity
Controls/communication Interoperability Storage system adheres to interoperability standards and has demonstrated correct interaction with utility control systems and the storage internal control systems (EMS to BMS)
Technology Readiness Level (#) Level of technology maturity and readiness for commercialization (1-9 scale)
Delivered Cost
Storage Block Cost ($/kWh) Cost of the energy component of the ESS on a unit energy basis
Storage Balance of System Cost ($/kWh) Additional equipment costs for supporting the storage block
Storage System Cost ($/kWh) Sum of Storage Block Cost and Storage Balance of System Cost
Power Equipment Cost ($/kW) Power conversion system equipment for both charging and discharging
Controls & Communication Cost ($/kW) Ease of Use/Complexity
System Integration Cost ($/kWh) Cost associated with integrating system components into a cohesive system and integrating the system into the deployment site
Energy Storage System Cost ($/kWh) Sum of Storage System Cost, Power Equipment cost, Controls & Communication Cost, and System Integration cost
Engineering, Procurement, & Construction Cost ($/kWh) Single occurrence engineering and construction costs. Includes siting, installation and commissioning.
Project Development Cost ($/kWh) Permitting, PPA, interconnection agreement, site control, and financing costs
Grid Integration Cost ($/kW) Cost for connecting to the grid including hardware
Fixed O&M Cost ($/kW-year) Costs necessary to keep the storage system operational throughout its life that do not fluctuate based on energy throughput.
Variable O&M Cost ($/kWh) Costs necessary to keep the storage system operational throughout its life that fluctuate based on energy throughput
Warranty Cost ($/kWh-year) Fees to maintain equipment warranties
Insurance Cost ($/kWh) Insurance fees to cover risks
Operating Costs ($/kWh) Sum of Fixed O&M, Variable O&M, Warranty, and Insurance Costs
Disconnection Cost ($/kWh) Costs associated with the disconnection from the grid
Disassembly/Removal Cost ($/kWh) Costs associated with removing the equipment from the site
Site Remediation Cost ($/kWh) Costs associated with remediating the project site
Recycling/Disposal Cost ($/kWh) Costs associated with recycling materials of the ESS
Decommissioning Costs ($/kWh) Sum of Disconnection, Disassembly, Site Remediation, and Recycling Costs
Total Installed Costs ($/kWh) Sum of Energy Storage System Cost, Operating Costs, Decommissioning Costs, EPC Costs, Project Development Costs, and Grid Integration Costs


The average $/kWh value that energy discharged from a T hr storage system must be sold at to recover total project revenue requirements over a N year analysis period